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Meaning Of Measles and Types

 Measles is a viral infection. It is common among school children and generally characterized by rash involving the entire body. Adults suffer from measlesmat times but 80% of the cases occur in children.
Basically, there are two types of measles which we have MORBILLI MEASLES simply called MEASLES and RUBELLA OR GERMAN MEASLES
MORBILLI MEASLES  is a highly communicable and children are more susceptible to the disease than adults. Children mostly affected are those below the stage of two and those mutational status is very poor.

There are three stages or phases and the effects are based on the stages. 
   The first stage, is referred to as Catarrhal stage or stage on a set. At this stage, the onset of the infection is sudden and resembles a severe cold. other symptoms that follow include coughing, sneezing with watery nasal discharge, high temperature, redness of the eye and difficulty in seeing through a bright light.    On the third day, catarrh and fever may become more severe that convulsion may occur. These symptoms are followed by minute bluish-white spots that look like salt grains, surrounded by an area of redness.    These spots appear in the mouth and on the inner side of the lips and they are called KPOLIK SPOTS. However, they disappear as soon as the rash appears. The disease is highly infectious at this stage.    The Second Stage, starts from the 4th day and the effects at the first stage increases followed by puffy swollen eyelids. The rash, which is the major characteristic of measles infection starts to appear. Firstly, the rash appears on the forehead and behind the ears then the face, truck, and limbs. The temperature of the child at this stage is very high but may disappear with time especially if the child is not suffering from any other infection.    Lastly which is the third stage, the child starts to convalescence. This means that, the child starts recovering slowly from the attack of measles infection. If no other infection is present, the child may recover by the 10th day, after the appearance of the rashes.    Occationally, the rashes may cause itching but are usually soothed with the application of calamine motion. No doubt you have seen children suffering from measles who had calamine lotion rubbed on them. the lotion gives a white appearance.    GERMAN MEASLES is also a viral infection that is very contagious. The illness is usually mild with low grade fever. However, it is very dangerious if it occurs in the pregnant women during the first 4 months of pregnancy. It may affect the unborn child/baby causing deforming, such as - deafness, cataract, heart diseases etc.    SYMPTOMS of this type of measles is characterized also by rash. Other symptoms include; slight headache, general weakness, mild fever. Rashes may appear on the first or second day starting from the face to the other parts of the body.
   It usually lasts for three days and sometimes referred to as 3-days measles which is not not common in Nigeria.

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