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Hire Me For Free WordPress Blog Design (Free Website Design)

Hire Me For Free WordPress Blog Design (Free Website Design).

We are familiar with WordPress platform been the best platform for creating a website, in the case, I decided to give  free service on every hosting plan purchased via my affiliate link.  If you are a newbie, WordPress is the most commonly used blogging platform used in creating website reason cause it is flexible, user friendly, WordPress design is beautiful and much responsive. In the aspect of my service, I will help you to set up a Free WordPress Blog and Design (Free Website Design), after every successful purchase of an hosting plan from DRUTS, Druts is easy to use and makes your website 10 times faster than other websites. Druts provides best web hosting service for your website.

Why am I offering this Service?

Hire Me For Free WordPress Blog Design (Free Website Design).

I am offering this FREE WordPress Blog Installation service because I want to help newbie bloggers jump start their blogging career and get them to focus on producing high quality content instead of wasting their time on experimenting with WordPress and at worst ending Up Screwing their blog especially in terms of Search Engine Optimization. I have been a WordPress user for over 4 years, so I know what it is like to be a newbie user of this framework. I won’t lie to you, it was not easy to figure out my way around things at start, but with time and my experience over the years, WordPress is like child’s play to me!

What is in it for ME??

Yeah! I actually stand to gain something from offering this service, but what I stand to gain is at absolutely no Extra Cost to you!  I stand to get a commission from DRUTS when you purchase a hosting plan which you will use for your new blog from them (at no extra cost to you). This commission will stand as the payment I get for doing all those technical jobs and setting up a professional WordPress blog for you. I am teaming up with DRUTS which is one of the best web hosting company that have been powering several top blogs to make this FREE WordPress Blog Installation Possible! DRUTS is a leading web hosting company and a lot of bloggers and internet marketers out there rely on their service to keep their business running; I have been using them for my blogs and clients for a while now and I have been having a great time with them. So be rest assured that your blog is in safe hands and you are indeed hosting with a reliable company.

What You will Get

  • I will install Premium Themes and Premium Plugins which I am permitted to share on your blog.
  • I will install free plugins that will make your blog Rock!
  • I will optimize your blog for Search Engines – I will install all the necessary SEO plugins and fine-tune their settings for optimum performance and I will also work on your new blog on-page SEO so that you will get good rankings in search engines.
  • I will optimize your blog for good page speed, so you will get a fast loading blog from me.
  • I will do some other cool stuffs for you that I don’t want to mention here, I want those to be a secret between us and a special gift for being my reader.

How do I Take Advantage of this Free WP Installation Service?

For you to take advantage of this FREE WordPress Blog installation service, all you need to do is to purchase any Web Hosting plan from DRUTS using my Affiliate link. When you have completed your order and confirmed your order, send me a mail to admin@hadegold.net or use my contact form informing me that you have ordered your hosting and its my turn to fulfill my promise and setup your blog for FREE.

Click Here to Order Your WordPress Blog

When I get your mail, I will verify your order, and then reply you with the next step. After that, I will Install your new WordPress blog for you, Install a Professional theme coupled with those important plugins both FREE and Premium (which I have the right to share)

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